By listening, doing research and through extensive experience, we understand how to create a brand purpose and message that will resonate with new and existing buyers of your brand.
Brand Realization
Once a brand has a purpose and message, we excel in activating that purpose and message.
Sometimes you need to see the forest for the trees. There are two areas we help our clients: strategic evaluation and filtering. We evaluate planned strategies from a logistical and nutritional perspective. The most sought-after service LiveWell Marketing provides is the Strategic Filtering component we offer. For a brand to resonate with consumers, frequently what incites them to buy is not the strict sales features of a product, but how a Registered Dietitian or nutrition expert filters those features into benefits consumers can understand – and want.
Let our team filter your products features into benefits consumers will embrace.
An automotive journalist doing a piece on experiential marketing within the automotive industry once asked me to define experiential marketing, not as a challenge, rather, simply because he honestly didn’t know. To me, experiential marketing is as simple (and complex) as the creation of something that intrinsically lets the consumer experience the brand as it is meant to be experienced. We have terrific experience creating experiential marketing events that engage consumers one on one that are as affordable as they are memorable.
LiveWell Marketing is now offering brands a one-stop, looped solution to connect brands with their consumers online and then push them to the banners you wish to support. With award-winning video production and editing, coupled with extensive digital media experience, we create powerful video content and build custom, ROI-focused campaigns that drive tangible consumer action to maintain your brand presence and support your retail partners.
Brand Enthusiasts
Everyone knows product sampling is an effective way of generating trial, but it doesn’t have to stop there. Why do LiveWell Marketing staff typically generate greater sales than other agencies? We call it ‘brand enthusiasts’, people who not only are pumped about the product, they’re pumped about the category and lifestyle that surrounds it. We don’t just sample your product, we live it.