LiveWell Marketing Strategy Portfolio

  • Objective:

    To create awareness for the Fresh From Florida brand in Ontario and Quebec.

  • Strategy:

    LiveWell Marketing launched an experiential campaign, which focused on retail and event marketing. We wanted to communicate that Fresh From Florida is a reliable, premium, and high-quality choice of produce for Canadians.

  • Program Summary:

    Overall, this campaign was a huge success, generating a lot of buzz from key stakeholders in the produce industry.





  • DATE:

    MAY-JUNE 2018



A couple of people standing under a tent.
A green banner with the sun shining on it.
  • Objective:

    Create the look, strategy and activation of a new line of crackers targeted to a ‘conscious consumer’ promoting the simplicity of only 4 ingredients.

  • Strategy:

    The strategy was two-fold: create a visual branded presence both at a guerilla-style, street-level activation, as well as in select consumer shows. Assets were created to be in step with Sanissimo’s target consumer. The strategy behind the production of all assets, consumer interaction and consumer show choice were governed and inspired by an understanding of this target.

  • Program Summary:

    The campaign covered 5 provinces & 7 cities Toronto/Vancouver/Montreal/Ottawa/Calgary/Halifax). The brand presence of the Sanissmo and imagery used to capture the attention of consumers included a branded mini cooper, trailer, bikes and bike trailers, and tents that were mobilized in various regions. Overall, there was great success in showcasing Sanissimo products as a healthy and nutritious brand, perfect for on-the-go, snacking or as a base for delicious recipes.

  • Category:


  • Client:

    Grupo Bimbo (Canada Bread)

  • Date:

    MAY-JUNE 2017

  • Program Title:

    Sanissimo Launch

A group of people walking down the street.
  • Objective:

    Kombucha is a product that is widely touted for its overall and specifically gut health promotion, and is typically enjoyed by a health-conscious younger consumer. Introduce the Ontario market to a brand of kombucha from Nova Scotia, be seen and interact with target consumer.

  • Strategy:

    With a modest budget, we incorporated guerilla street sampling and selected demographically-targeted sampling, focusing on events such as ‘Sunset Yoga’, ‘Yoga by the Water’, ‘Badass Summer Babes Bash’, golf tournaments – any venue that attracted kombucha enthusiasts. We also activated in-store sampling at Whole Foods, Goodness Me, Longo’s, Sobeys and select Natural Value retailers.

  • Program Summary:

    The campaign covered the summer of 2019, primary concentrating on the Greater Toronto Area.

  • Category:

    Experiential and In-store

  • Client:

    Cove Kombucha

  • Date:

    May to September 2019

  • Program Title:

    Summer of Cove in the GTA

A woman is doing yoga on top of a pink van.
  • Objective:

    Present, promote, discuss and sample Bonne Maman Intense, new line of delicious, lower-sugar, higher fruit content preserves.

  • Strategy:

    Engage consumers by engaging our staff of nutrition enthusiasts / registered dietitians to communicate the significance of the lower sugar content of the new line of Bonne Maman Intense, and educate consumers on the difference between a fruit spread and a jam.

  • Program Summary:

    In 85 Metro locations during a 4 week back to school period, our team handed out approx. 6,000 samples.

  • Category:


  • Client:

    Bonne Maman / Meilleur Marques

  • Date:

    September / October 2019

  • Program Title:

    Bonne Maman Metro Ontario 2019

A woman and two men standing in front of a counter.